RFID proximity identification technology is constantly expanding its spectrum of commercial and industrial applications, as it introduces order, security and collects valuable information that has a direct impact on process optimization in medium and large enterprises.
RFID technology reveals its full utility wherever you need asset control . For example, by marking each batch of new goods with RFID labels, warehouse employees are able to quickly and accurately determine where a given delivery should be located, while having full real-time control over what is received and in what quantity.
A special and growing application of proximity identification are waste management applications that require high quality, efficient and resistant to harsh environmental conditions equipment in the form of transponders and proximity readers. A common and recognized standard of transmission in industrial and logistics applications is the UHF standard, which ensures efficient data transmission, with a high range of up to several meters. A very important parameter required in industry and waste management is anti-collision, i.e. the function of error-free reading of data from many different transponders at the same time. This is the case, for example, when the logistic gate must read simultaneously data from many transponders that are on a passing vehicle or pallet. Error-free reading of all data is of great importance for the entire logistics process.
Many modern waste management companies have extensive systems that record the circulation of all waste containers and containers. Thanks to this, the municipal company knows what possibilities it has, i.e. how many containers are in the field, when they left and when they need to be collected. On the other hand, readers mounted on vehicles collect information about which container they collected from. All data is recorded in the central system managing the given application. In order for the whole system to work optimally and without failure, you need the right equipment.
A fully implemented RFID solution supports waste identification and tracking. Tags attached to waste containers allow operators to monitor sorting quality, track container circulation, and their contents. They also facilitate billing for services. The latest RFID UHF and HDX tags in the field of waste management are highly resistant to water, chemicals, and are shock resistant and fit into standard 30745 DIN sockets used in most plastic waste containers. They are equipped with a passive contactless transponder designed for communication with the reader via RFID technology. New tags are also easy to install, but difficult to remove if you don't have a special tool. They can be successfully used to modernize existing containers.
UHF RFID readers , and above all transponders placed on containers and returnable containers, must operate flawlessly in a wide - industrial temperature range from -40 to 90 ° C, and must be resistant to operation moisture, UV radiation, corrosive substances, vibrations and shocks. As RFID transponders are not standard on containers and containers, they must be properly installed. Depending on the application, the markers can be screwed in, or pressed into a previously prepared place, or use rivets, screws, glue to mount on plastic surfaces. The most durable method of assembly is welding properly prepared transponders on the steel surface of large-capacity containers, tankers as well as machinery and vehicles.
As you can see in the examples given, the benefits of using RFID technology for medium and large companies and enterprises are huge. RFID technology allows you to maintain order, affects security and full control over the current state of assets of each company, saving valuable time employees who can efficiently perform their daily activities.