Without stopping, we change with the changing market.We offer our clients not only ready-made products, but also individual solutions.
We provide you proprietary tool software utilities that is used for simple and quick implementation of our products in a specific application. Our software is completely free and ready to download at any time. It can also be adapted to your individual needs.
CTU series RFID reader modules are an ideal solution for adding proximity identification functionality in designed or existing access control applications. CTU modules are equipped with with a built-in antenna, buzzer, and depending on the version, an electromagnetic relay for controlling an electric lock, electric lock or other device such as: turnstile, gate, barrier. Depending on the version, the CTU series RFID modules support such interfaces as RS232, RS232 TTL, RS485, WIEGAND and 1-Wire® (Dallas/Maxim emulation DS1990).
CTU series of readers support RFID proximity transponders of standards such as Unique (EM4102), HITAG, Q5, HID > operating in the low frequency band 125kHz, and MIFARE® Classic, Plus S/X, Ultralight C, DESFire, DESFire EV1 and NFC compliant with ISO/IEC 14443 and operating in the 13.56MHz band.
MICRO series RFID reader modules are the perfect solution for adding proximity identification functionality in designed or existing access control applications. MICRO modules, due to their size (25.5 x 31.5 x 12mm) and THT mounting method, can be conveniently integrated with many applications, including applications with limited space. MICRO series RFID modules support this interface RS232 TTL.
MICRO reader modules also support RFID proximity transponders of the type MIFARE®Classic, Plus, Ultralight C, DESFire, ICODE1®, ICODE®SLI, iCLASS (CSN only) and NFC compliant with ISO/IEC 14443 and operating in the 13.56MHz band.
Thanks to the ultra-compact size of only 17.5 x 17.5 x 3mm, the miniature RFID reader modules of the NANO series are the smallest devices of this type in our offer and perhaps also in the world. These modules are assembled using the SMD technique and can communicate with external devices via a rich set of interfaces, including RS232 (TTL), RS485, SPI, I 2 C, WIEGAND and 1-Wire® (emulating Dallas DS1990).
NANO-U module supports Unique RFID proximity transponders, HITAG 1, HITAG 2 (ID read only), HITAG S, HID and Q5 operating at 125kHz, while the NANO-M module supports the MIFARE® Classic, Ultralight, DESFire *, Plus ** operating at 13.56MHz, also allowing the programming of NFC cards and tags compliant with ISO / IEC 14443 standard.
Desktop readers of the PAC series in a 92 x 146 x 29mm housing, thanks to the USB interface (in CDC class - serial port emulation and HID class - keyboard emulation) are the perfect solution everywhere where counts the ability to read and fully write proximity cards, at POS sales points and customer service, ticket applications at the so-called "topping up" city cards, RCP working time registration systems and many more.
PAC-PU reader supports RFID proximity cards of the MIFARE® Classic, Plus, Ultralight, Ultralight C, DESFire, DESFire EV1 operating in the 13.56MHz frequency band. In turn, the PAC-DU reader has support for Unique, HITAG, Q5 and HID cards and transponders operating at 125kHz. The PAC-AU reader is a special version that works with long-range active transponders ATPLA-S i ATPLA-N.
Thanks to an extremely compact housing similar to a credit card size (54 x 85 mm), 7 mm thick and a simple to configure 1-Wire® interface, PLA readers are adapted, among others for cooperation with recording and monitoring devices used in GPS / GSM vehicle location and tracking applications. The recorders, while communicating wirelessly with the server application via the GSM network, send numerous collected information and vehicle data, and thanks to connected PLA RFID readers also sending identification data of the driver using the vehicle at a given moment via the given authorization.
PLA-R6L is a RFID proximity card reader from the MIFARE® Classic, Plus, Ultralight, DESFire EV2, ICODE, ISO1443A / B, ISO15693 families operating at 13.56MHz. In addition, it has the ability to read CSN from iCLASS and LEGIC transponders. In turn, the PLA-D6L model is an RFID proximity card reader from the Unique (EM4102), HITAG1 / S, HITAG2, HID ISOProx®II and Q5 families operating at frequency of 125kHz.
Wall-mounted RFID readers from the UW series are a complete solution for proximity identification in access control applications. Equipped with a compact and aesthetic housing they have, among others built-in antenna, buzzer, tamper (anti-tamper protection), two LED information diodes and an electromagnetic relay for controlling an electric lock, electric lock or other type of device: turnstile, gate, barrier. Depending on the version, UW RFID readers support interfaces such as RS485 (also with the MODBUS RTU protocol), CAN 2.0B or 1 -Wire® (Dallas / Maxim DS1990 emulation).
UW reader series supports RFID proximity transponders of standards such as Unique (EM4102), HITAG, Q5, HID > operating in the low frequency band 125kHz, and MIFARE® Classic, Ultralight, DESFire >, ICODE SLI, ICODE-SLI-S and NFC complying with ISO / IEC 14443 and operating in the 13.56MHz band.
The MW series is our latest product from the category of wall-mounted RFID readers available in our offer. The compact size, two-element housing is available in two colors, hides wide possibilities of handling proximity standards and provides a wide range of available communication interfaces. The housing has an integrated and programmable RGB LED and a touch button.
Open Supervised Device Protocol (OSDP) is an access control application communication standard developed to improve the interoperability of access control products and their security.
Netronix RFID readers support the MODBUS RTU communication protocol. This extremely popular and widespread communication protocol, steadily gaining in popularity, thanks to the simplicity and flexibility of its architecture.
The small, minimalistic design of the RFID proximity reader, available in two colors, will match the aesthetic requirements of any room.
NBL Series RFID readers are the perfect solution for adding proximity identification functionality in driver time registration applications. NBL readers are equipped with with a built-in antenna, two LEDs, two function buttons and a Bluetooth® wireless communication module. Depending on the version, they also have built-in sensors, including: temperature, humidity, magnetic field, lights > and low battery voltage. Thanks to battery power supply (2x AAA), NBL readers provide the possibility of mobile operation and connectivity with other Bluetooth® devices, including GPS centers in vehicles, or smartphones or PCs.
NBL reader series supports RFID proximity transponders of the type MIFARE® Classic, DESFire and NFC compatible with ISO / IEC 14443 operating in the 13.56MHz frequency band.
NP18 series of RFID readers are an ideal solution for adding discrete proximity identification functionality in designed or existing access control applications. NP18 readers are equipped with a built-in antenna and a LED signaling diode, embedded in a small size housing.
The NP18 series of readers supports RFID proximity transponders such as MIFARE® Classic, Plus, Ultralight, DESFire EV2, ICODE, ISO1443A/B, ISO15693, operating at a frequency of 13.56MHz, as well as Unique (EM4102), HITAG1/S, HITAG2, HID ISOProx® II and Q5, operating at 125kHz. The readers are equipped with 1-Wire®, WIEGAND and serial UART-TTL and RS232-5V interfaces. They have been designed in accordance with the requirements of the E-mark automotive safety standard.
System NACS (skrót od Netronix Access Control System) powstał w celu centralnej kontroli dostępu do strzeżonych stref, pomiędzy którymi przejścia chronione są przy pomocy czytników kart zbliżeniowych firmy Netronix.
FRAMER jest uniwersalną aplikacją pomocną podczas testów modułów firmy Netronix. FRAMER ułatwia konstruowanie ramek wysyłanych poprzez łącze RS232 i Ethernet z komputera do modułu. Wylicza długość ramki oraz sumę kontrolną dla wysyłanego rozkazu oraz formatuje i wyświetla odpowiedź z zewnętrznego urządzenia.
FRAMER-CAN jest programem diagnostycznym służącym do testowania połączenia z urządzeniami CAN przy użyciu konwertera COTER-EC. Program posiada w pełni zaimplementowaną obsługę wszystkich opcji konwertera: ustalenie prędkości transmisji magistrali CAN, ustalenie masek i filtrów interfejsu oraz ustalanie automatycznych odpowiedzi na zapytania RTR.
NEFIG is software tool for write/read configurations in selected Netronix devices.
NEFIR to bezpłatny program służący do aktualizacji oprogramowania wewnętrznego (firmware) wybranych produktów firmy Netronix.
NEFIR3 to bezpłatny program służący do aktualizacji oprogramowania wewnętrznego (firmware) wybranych produktów firmy Netronix.
ACCESSCONFIG jest aplikacją służącą do konfiguracji czytników kart zbliżeniowych UW-U4R/UW-U4G. ACCESSCONFIG umożliwia odczyt zapis oraz modyfikację pamięci kart służącej do automatycznej kontroli dostępu. Każdemu z użytkowników można zdefiniować prawa dostępu świadczące o przywilejach przypisanych do danego użytkownika. Program umożliwia ręczną edycje kart RFID, jak również odczyt karty znajdującej się w polu czytnika, z którym program nawiązał połączenie. Przy pomocy programu możliwe jest przeszukiwanie bazy kart, oraz sprawdzenie nazwy osoby, do której karta o danym numerze ID została przypisana.
DISCOVERER służy do odnajdywania urządzeń Netronix w sieciach lokalnych Ethernet. Powszechnie stosowane lokalne sieci Ethernet bardzo często wyposażone są w serwer DHCP nadający urządzeniom dynamicznie adresy IP. Wiąże się to nierzadko z problemem zlokalizowania urządzeń w sieci. Produkty firmy Netronix posiadają zaimplementowany mechanizm odnajdywania ich w sieci, dzięki czemu można je zlokalizować i nawiązać z nimi połączenie. Program DISCOVERER wykorzystuje mechanizm wyszukiwania urządzeń, aby wyświetlić listę wszystkich urządzeń aktywnych w sieci.
Aplikacja Netronix NFC ID emuluje UID transpondera ISO14443A (NFC) w trybie Host Card Emulation. Emulacja UID działa w tle jako serwis, aż do momentu odinstalowania aplikacji z telefonu.
Aplikacja CARDIDCODER umożliwia zapisywanie zdefiniowanych przez użytkownika UID na kartach i transponderach z rodziny MIFARE®. Do zapisywania danych na kartach wykorzystywany jest czytnik USB PAC-PU. Automatyczny odczyt zapisanego UID możliwy jest przez kompatybilne czytniki firmy Netronix.